Surprised at the Manger

Surprised at the Manger

Author: Mark Fenstermacher
December 31, 2021

When you hear talk of the birth of Jesus in a stable, spare room, or cave, how do you picture the scene? I think most of us see it as a small room, barely able to contain a few sheep or a donkey and cow.

Somehow, though crude, small, and ordinary, that was the place where God stepped into our world. (That should tell us something about God, don’t you think?)

One of the surprising things about the Christmas story is the presence of two groups in this God moment: shepherds and Gentile magi from foreign lands to the East.

Matthew, who wrote for a Jewish Christian community, tells about the Gentile magi (wise men, students of philosophy, observers of the stars) showing up from lands far to the East.

Luke, who wrote for a Gentile-Christian audience, tells us in Chapter 2 about shepherds visited by angels. The shepherds, who were often viewed as unclean and not to be trusted, heard the story of the birth and—fueled by holy curiosity—went racing off to Bethlehem. When they saw the infant Jesus, and his family, they went off to tell others about what God was up to.  

People were shocked to hear down-and-outers, dirty rascals from the hills, telling the story of God’s arrival! “Everyone was amazed at what the shepherds told them,” Luke says.

Here is the thing Christmas makes clear from the very beginning: there is room at the stable for Gentiles, for strangers from foreign countries, for people who believe differently than we believe, and for shepherds from the hills who are considered “unclean” because they can’t keep the kosher and Sabbath laws. 

We want to hang a “Members Only” sign on the manger. We are always tempted to say that those who live in faraway places, or don’t believe what we believe, or are strangers to worship/scripture/prayer are on the outside of what God is doing.

There is room at the stable.

Maybe you need to hear that today: there is room at the stable for you. Jesus wants you to walk along with him when he goes off to change the world. There is room for you, with the mess and beauty that is your life, at the manger…and on the road with Jesus.

Or maybe you are one of those Christians who is always tempted to decide who doesn’t measure up because of the mistakes they have made, the things they think, how they read the Bible or live out their sexuality.  You’ve got this tendency to hang a “Members Only” sign on the manger, the church, and the heavenly home God promises.

No, put the “Members Only” sign away.

Not only is there room for you at the manger, but there is room for those you would leave standing outside in the cold.

Shepherds and strangers from foreign lands at the manger: who would have expected that?

Our God is full of surprises. 


As we step into a New Year, we would say:

  • God is faithful.

  • Thank you for your faithfulness over the past year. Your prayers, words of kindness, deep faith, and generosity have blessed so many (including those of us on the church staff).

  • Year-end gifts may be dropped off on 12/31 during business hours. Come inside the outer doors and place your year-end gift in the slot of the secure box.

  • On Sunday, January 2nd, we will begin the New Year with a single worship service at 10 am. Pastor Mark will be preaching and we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

  • Join us in January for our “Back to the Future” series.

God is good.

Remember: there is room at the manger for you (and those you wouldn’t think God would give the time of day to!).

In Christ and for Christ,


First United Methodist Church
1203 E. Seventh Street | Auburn, IN 46706 | 260.925.0885


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